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LOOXS 10sixteen
Sweater Black Oversized Long
The power of back! 
This nice basic is a musthave in your wardrobe, because you can match it with anything.. 
A little longer fit and nicely oversized.
Logo embroidery is an awesome detail.
Nice cotton quality with a super soft fleece inside.
This nice basic is a musthave in your wardrobe, because you can match it with anything.. 
A little longer fit and nicely oversized.
Logo embroidery is an awesome detail.
Nice cotton quality with a super soft fleece inside.
LOOXS 10sixteen
T-shirt flared sleeves brown
Best Basic Forever. Nice t-shirt in a fancy ribbed pattern. V-neck with ripple effect at the front made by a fine elastic band on the inside. Nice detail are the flared sleeves. Brown is the perfect match in this first delivery of LOOXS 10sixteen.