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LOOXS 10sixteen
Baggy parachute pants
Trend alert! These pants are totally hot!
This model is loose-fit.
Adjustable elastic waistband.
The pants have an elastic band at the bottom of the legs, which gives a more "puffy" effect to the pants.
Beautiful matte fabric with a fancy 'crack'.
This model is loose-fit.
Adjustable elastic waistband.
The pants have an elastic band at the bottom of the legs, which gives a more "puffy" effect to the pants.
Beautiful matte fabric with a fancy 'crack'.
LOOXS 10sixteen
Baggy parachute pants
Trend alert! These pants are totally hot!
This model is loose-fit and has a medium waist.
Side pockets and an adjustable elastic band at the waist.
The pants have an elastic band at the bottom of the legs, which gives a more "puffy" effect to the pants.
This model is loose-fit and has a medium waist.
Side pockets and an adjustable elastic band at the waist.
The pants have an elastic band at the bottom of the legs, which gives a more "puffy" effect to the pants.
LOOXS 10sixteen
Slim-fit trousers High Waist
Checkmate! make a good move in your new outfit. Stylish slim-fit trousers in a winter check fabric. High waist fit. A lot of stretch of course for optimal wearing comfort. Elastic waistband. Side- and back pockets. Trousers close with a button and zipper
LOOXS 10sixteen
Wide leg trousers Brown
Super Nice, these trousers with wide legs in a beautiful comfy fabric. Grey brown colored trousers have a concealed zipper on the side with an extra hook. In addition, the trousers have an elastic piece in the back for an extra good fit range.